
Sunday, May 25, 2008


Hola my amigos. This is Professor Kayton with a life update! we have tons of wonderful things to speak of. todays topics will be CONTACTS, my cousins wii, my Zacky tribute, and the upcoming summer. here i gooo

So I got contacts yesterday. I can SEE fine, just not great, and considering that I need to be able to see when I drive (and not fail the eye test at the DMV), I got my eyes checked. The optometrist said i was nearsighted and i had 20X60, aka i cant see 60 ft in front of me. So they put in my contacts and i get glasses in two weeks. Thats good and all, cept I can't put them in my eyes. ><>: this was my face.

Secondarily, i'm sending in my wii to get it fixed so we can play brawl. its quite a pain in the ass, and finally it just stopped with my super 45 degree angle trick. it catches it and starts to read it but then stops. SO. we are borrowing my cousins wii. Main problem? I can't copy my save from my wii to theirs. But, we did get WII FIT, which is quite the work out. I didn't think it would actually make me so blehhhhh and tired and stretched out, but I am :O .

Thirdly. Even though i haven't beaten Zacky and Cloudy (FF7 Crisis Core i'm borrowing from bundle of sticks) I'm doing a Zack tribute picture. I really want to try to make it realistic/stylistic looking and not so pokemon-coloringish. Ive already drawn Zack, and now im working on the background. He's in my opinion a better character than Cloud, but I can't hate Cloud, he had redeemed himself in a part.

And finally, in a week we can officially say its summer. I know, its been a lonnng year, and i hope to do many things this summer. I'll have a 'OMG ITS SUMMER' post in about that time, but for now i wish to make a short list of things to do this summer. 1. Get better at drawing, thats a given. 2. beat any game i haven't beaten on my shelf and buy Soulcalibur4. 3.Start Nobody/2 back up and also do one more pokemon retards parody. 4. go see some dang movies! I never get to see any, and these rising Gas prices ugh.

So yes. Anyways. Let me leave you with a FLASHBACKmemory, of which ive decided to start doing with everypost. I dunno, seems fun to me. this particular one dawned on me when i was out swimming today.
Kay, back when I went to daycare, we would swim every monday and thursday. Miss Diane, our caretaker, had a large backyard pool i always got to clean and get into first. What I remember from my swims for many years was that it was the first time i ever role played a character, through action and verbal (meaning not RPING on the computer, sakura: haha. NO.)
I would remember that we would become these characters of elements and powers, and surprisingly my power had been darkness. See how that came to Xetak unconciously? yeah. We also at times were certain power rangers before PR went down the toilet (of which meant anything past ninja storm at that time, i liked the guy blue ranger in that series). we would have these plastic clam hunts and i would be the guyBlueranger and try to steal them from the other team.
Good times.

All right i've written too much >< I'll see you guys later.
-Professor Kayton.


Cheeto said...

You could always stick your contacts in your wii so see if it'd "view" the disk correctly xD

blah i commented..happy now?

Mal said...

..My summer "officially" started 3 weeks ago (I think).. and so far I haven't done a damn thing xD

yay for realism xD

..I threw rocks at the daycare ppl when I was in day care xD