
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Not always about what we “see.”

I've always been against mute characters. I hate the "!" *turns around* *guy starts talking about life* sort of thing. Dark clouds Toan does that, and that's what I'm playing so bleh. but on the same level, Nintendo likes to contradict that whole ordeal of dialogue in gaming. When I played twilight princess, I rmred being furious that link wouldn't talk; remembering this article I'm reading right now that Nintendo wants you to be immersed in the characters and you think about their decisions. What if you didn't want to save Timmy from the boar monster? you're not GIVEN that choice, it's not a "choose the good or evil side" thing other games have, you're the hero, and in turn you do heroic things. no matter how trivial. Thats why I love playing ff7, Cloud didn't go "a dress? I guess for the HEROIC DEEDS OF TOMORROW! I SHALL WEAR THIS DRESS! YOUTHH". no XD he went "wtf. no." and Aerith goes "um UHUH do it or I won't be your girlfriend." "your not my girlfri- *shoves dress on him* ....." XD

As cloud, the dude whom we know has a good heart and would be just as heroic as Link, he adds the sarcasm and, yknow, a personality of his own to deal with.

Some people think that we JUST COULDNT LISTEN TO LINK TALK OMG NO RMR THEM CDI DAYS. And because people are narrow minded, Nintendo feeds off this. you do realize that makes it easier for them to produce games is without dialogue right? ahur hur voice actors cost monay. why do you think they have so much of it? As a firm dub believer, I think that they could do it dammit. And I think this is a horrible reason not to. Tidus, whom is voice by Jonathan blah blah Taylor, voice actor of ratchet as well, I never had a problem with until I had heard from others he was whiny. but even if he was "whiny", his travels with Yuna made for a great story. without dialogue, I think people would have seen Tidus I guess as the great hero, when in fact he only grew as a person into the hero that most protagonists are.

Not to say I haven't had my share of non-talking fun. Many of Nintendo's games include zero dialogue, where other games, such as dragon quest 8, really have a "mute protagonist." this, isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Hero allies himself with very chattery people who all interact in interesting ways, where he ends up not being seen as you, but more as a kid who likes seeing his friends strike up conversations. he's there, somewhat as you, but also as hero. I think it's a nice mix.

If I was "link" in playing twilight princess, for the life of me I don't remember what Midna said that one time, my first interaction with Zelda, no, my nostalgia of playing it goes to how hella difficult parts of the dungeons are, or your first time using a new weapon. Is that how I'm supposed to be remembering a plot-heavy ridden story? it is an RPG, after all, I can't remember for shit what happened in the plains of ff10.

A great example of the mute turned dialogue ridden is the Jak and Daxter series. Jak, in the first one, was good friends with Daxter as we can see, proclaimed the hero and rolled with it. But as his life took for a much darker turn in Jak 2, he indulged himself in not saving haven city; but defeating the baron Praxis for the dark eco he pumped into Jak. Only dialogue could give you this sense that he changed, I mean you can make as many D:< faces as you want, but nothing stands out like " Jak? you ok? for once in your life saaay somethinnnngg aaAHH" "IM GONNA KILL BARON PRAXIS!" and see he's not the goody too shoes hero he once was. But as he moves toward the end of the game, Jak begins to cherish his friends and protect them from the metal heads. into 3 he once again grew, thinking his friends had abandoned him as one of the chancellors of haven city threw him out of the city, but eventually protects his new home as the hero he was as a child. pretty touching eh?

Either way, I think what matters is good storytelling. Level 5, the group that made dark cloud that I'm currently playing, came to grow as a developer, making DC in 2000, dragon quest 8 in '04, rogue galaxy in '06 (another rpg on my list), and even came to create the professor kayton montage with their line of Professor Layton games in 07; now working with studio Ghibli to combine their storytelling with Miyazaki's artistic form of such. Shows how much they can grow, like many talking, and mute, protagonists. :D

Lastly, your opinion please? What do you consider to be an ideal workings of your main character and universe. Should they talk, or should their words be in your mind?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hello Dream Killer. What? THERES AN APP FOR THAT??

I know. Everything is a rant. Never a nostalgia post, never a time capsule post, hell not even a how was your day post XD I fail.

But I said I was gonna do this and I am.

Stop here if you don't want a horrific iphone infested rant.


Good? Now we can begin.

I hate the iphone.

OHNORLY. Just want to clarify why. No, its not the normal reasons not the ones the commercials do with the smart phones "your just jealous because you don't have one." Oh of course I'm jealous. EVERY PHONE IS BETTER THAN MY PHONE, but on the zune side of things or yknow.. because iphone is better than books, the BOOK side of things, I'm doing just fine. I dislike that of the gaming portion of the iphone.

And no, it's not the "it's just because you don't get to play them" thing either. I DON'T PLAY ANYTHING AT THE STUPID MOMENT.

And the iphone is why.

If you didn't know, anyone with a iphone dev kit can create "apps" for said iphone. Of course I think this means you have to have a mac, but besides that, ANYONE can make something, and sell it on the iphone. The genuine problem with this is that ANYONE MEANING EVERYONE, CANNOT CREATE. In the world, as told by our wonderful philosophical books such as The Giver, or 1984, an idealistic world is where our occupation and destiny is controlled by another. But in the same fashion, if given everyone the chance to do what they wanted, well we'd have a lot more "fun" jobs being taken, a lot more unemployment, and no people doing shit jobs. Essentially, even though you can choose your job, there is no regulation in the system and you would have about as much a chance to do the "fun" job as you would in a controlled world.

    With the iphones development kits being pretty easy to obtain, more people are making apps. But there will always be the "P.O.S." app, sold for 99 cents. That's just a buck right? If its crap delete it right?


Just like in society as of right now, which is a whole 'nother bag of worms I'm not ready to write about.

Did you know as per Wikipedia, Yoshi's island, a Nintendo 64 game that came out in America in 1998, retailed at 59.99, Which is the current price of a top of the line Sony Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 game. In terms of how money was compared to what it was 10 years ago, we can say that was a pretty darn higher amount of money (though I don't know for how long), and people were willing to pay this for a game with minimal to low 3d graphical capabilities. Now I'm not going to say that games are BETTER now than they were, because believe me a part of me believes this to be a big fat lie; but for a game (lets compare call of duty 4 to N64s super smash brothers), for around the same price Call of duty has top of the line graphical capabilities, online play, trophies or achievements, some would say that the better multiplayer game would in fact be call of duty.

The point is, people were willing to pay for games that were top of the line OF THAT GENERATION. That smash bros brought together Nintendo characters like it had never had before, created almost another genre, that the game was loads of fun, and still is by the way, and people loved it. So 60 dollars justified the means. For a gamer like my brother, COD4 for 60 dollars the way he plays it is a steal. To justify my money though, hell no would I spend 60 dollars on a shooter where one, I don't like playing online, and two IM BAD AT. Justifying money seems to be the ordeal I'm mad at.

    My uncle, el dorko extrordinare, happened to be the ultimate gamer of the time, shelled out A HELLA a lot of money for a Sega Saturn that failed, bought ps1 first day, bought a psp very early, blah blah blah. This was all before he had children of course. And now, all he owns in his house is a Wii and is iphone. For a 37? Year old, with two small girls and one baby, a handheld is what he can deal with. With a million dollar baby ford that came last year, cheap games are all he can afford. Therefore, the iphone is his ideal. And I have no problem with that. Hes got a wii for when a star (lol) like Mario galaxy comes along, and hes full well and ready to put the money out for the next one. But he is exactly what people are becoming. Idiots.

Now I'm not saying iphone owners are idiots, no no no, Its that what he looks for in his device is everything. And I guess this is what we all want, the times of APUSH teach us if something or someone can do more, if Macys can offer MAIL in catalogs before others, they make the money. DO MORE. And others do less. He does less to do what he wants. What? I want to go to look up GPS directions? Ive got an app for that. Fine. What? I need to know the TIME WHY DON'T I LOOK AT MY IPHONES CLOCK OHOHOHOHO *your wearing a watch* >.>

Besides this, because im ranting. I'll get to the point. That which those who want to do less, those who want the easy road in things, will get crap. Like jobs, fail out of high school because you wanted to do less, you're a janitor. Whatever. And so that which ye wanted to do less, you got less. You get crap. Crap made by the people, and I guess FOR the people. The iphone, because regulation does not exist in the "crap" category, can make bad games and sell it for a buck. But what happens you say? Why does that matter to the smart consumer?

    Lol didn't I call my uncle a dorko? SMART CONSUMER? If everyone was a smart consumer there would never be any deals. Because of this, these 99 cent P.O.S games start JUSTFYING THE MONEY. They say "well we could get Rolando 2, a game critically acclaimed by even the people who make games for ten bucks, which is far less than its sort of clone loco roco 2 which came out first on the psp. OR I can buy ten games for a buck each.

    Well good job dorko. You just bought 10 crappy games instead of one good one. Now, what about those good ones for a dollar? Because people make good games for a dollar, they'd rather take the dollar one than the 10 dollar one. And buy…9 other shitty games for the same price yay. Blah blah mix and match it you'll get the same idea. If a good game is for a buck, and another good game is for 10 bucks, which are ya gonna buy? Yep.

Suddenly, Patapon 2 for the psp for 20 bucks isn't looking so satisfying. Suddenly, ANY ps3 or 360 game doesn't look so appetizing. And suddenly, people are willing to spend "less" to buy more.

    In our current society its everywhere. Spend less buy more. Go to walmart, get more than you would at Target or Kroger. It's a casual way of thinking. Yknow, casual like the WII? See where I'm going with this follow me follow~

    The casual gamer in us (yes, in all of us.) comes out. And suddenly, people make smaller, less overall enthralling games for a buck that appeals to a casual crowd, or ALL of the market of the iphoners, compared to the PSP install base. And all of them pick up that game for a buck……million dollars. And that SUCKS. Well. Not for them. And I guess not for the casual customer.

So why am I so mad?

I am a gamer. And. I want to make games. So as a gamer, a dollar for a GREAT game, is a great price. As a future video game designer? I'M OUT OF A JOB.

My ideas, they're not, 3 hour 1 dollar ideas. They're not Mario clones with a twist; they're their own thing. Project natas? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

Its hard making GOOD GAMES. Look at square….3 or 4 years ago XD those cutscenes were made by people very good at their job. For 10, for kh, some scenario writer worked his butt off. The graphic artists who made the renders worked day in and day out to make sure that nose was correct. They PERFECT IT. And then they sell it. At a modest 60 dollars. To a developer, that, is a justifying means of money for what they have created. And really now, if you think about it makes sense. I sold one picture for 20 dollars. How many screenshots can we take of a game? Yknow .000005 cents for a game with like 1000 plus screenshots, that's worth about 60 bucks. And the gameplay. And the online that many games include now; and the time. Now. Its hard because I'm, not very made of money. Sometimes, its very hard to be an artist, and a gamer. and a kid. To want to go to the mall? Gas. To draw a picture? Markers. To buy a sixty dollar game that sometimes means I might not get to play it, may lose interest and even tho it's a great game I exactly haven't gotten my play out of it? Suddenly doesn't seem too feasible. Even time isn't on my side. And its hard. What do I do? Be the gamer in me? Or try to make the games. And now. Its harder than ever.

    If I spent all that time, all the time square does on a final fantasy, okay, maybe a little less than that XD, and I put it out on the market that's becoming, it wont sell. 60 bucks? Hell no we can buy 60 one dollar iphone games. Even though my game is probably better than, say forty of those combined (Which if you buy enough ports you might get sonic Disney rock band singing in Japanese and I just cant compare to that), the market wants to play, what they think is more bang for their buck. And that would kill the industry. And that would kill my dreams. No Tovuja. No Natas. And maybe no start to a pea pod that hasn't even begun yet.

All because of the iphone.


Disagree? Fight me. El Dorko extrodinare fights me. I might not've won yet, but neither has he. And that means something.

See yas. Next time it'll be time capsule or something.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Because I really really, really, really, don’t want to do eco.

I WAS GONNA WRITE THIS BEFORE THEY SCREWED ME OVER. I SWEAR. (teacher decided even though finals are scheduled to be the tues/wed of next week, its tomorrow. Lets all cry)

This is a follow-up to my previous post. I feel inclined to do this, even if none of you have ANY CLUE what I wrote about before, and now.

>.> i tried looking images up but I don't know how to embedd well on here. every main character i say has an image on wikipedia tho so if you want.

I started rewatching the dubbed version on june 23rd, and finished June 30th. This is the fastest I've EVER I think run through a 50 episode series, well, XD I skipped the ending and the openings a lot and two recap episodes but besides that. The original reason I chose to re-watch is was because I could not recall the ending to it. My original run was on Toonami during 2004-2005, and according to Wikipedia, the show was edited to be Y-7. D: I can NOT believe that. There is so much…to..This…story that that's like, insane. Nevertheless. I remembered one point I made to everyone condemning the show, saying ew Kira, the main character, and another character, Cagalli, had a relationship and then turned out to be brother and sister, and this was how I remembered it into my mind as it being something stupid. I realize now, that this was not the reason.

The ending to this silly little story, as it seems, was not as CLIMACTIC in my mind as them being brother and sister. I may have in fact finished the series, but could not for my life remember the end. Normally, I finish every series I start, even when I don't start from the beginning. This is all true excluding Bleach. Any other time I made an attempt at watching it all. (Naruto is also a big exception, one cannot hope to really want to watch all those fillers, only to find that Shippuden had more fillers.) Nevertheless, I was slightly disappointed. I told myself that an end should not justify disappointment, but in this case it does.

With Dragonball Z, Goku left leaving his legacy behind, but not only that, he left because the world did not need his protection. One of the most interesting facts is how Goku caused more than half of the series enemies to strike earth. Frieza might not've sent Vegeta and Nappa to earth if it wasn't for Raditz's losing to Goku. The Androids as well as Cell were created to out-do Goku and the Z-fighters, if Goku hadn't thwarted the older androids with his exceptional abilities, then Cell would never have been as strong as he was. The only real character was Buu, but in any case these ideas can be found as qualified, in that saying if Goku HADNT been there, then the androids would have taken over, or pilaf would have found the Dragonballs and ruled the world (which we later learn, he wouldn't be very good at anyway.) In any case my rambling comes to the point that Goku leaving signified a peaceful world he left, whether by saving it from his hands or KEEPING HIMSELF AWAY.

Another example can be the end of Kingdom Hearts one. Sora had fulfilled his duties but was left to do other things, things that could make a sequel or leave it up to the gamer to merely speculate what he'd do next.

My main issue in the story of Gundam seed was the end. The very, as captian buggy would say, unflashy, end. I would like to say I expected something miraculous to happen. This is anime after all! Kill the best friend your hair becomes yellow!..fight your best friend and your eyes become blood red with kyuubi fury. Kira was expressed very late into the series as the first of all coordinators, or genetically altered beings, to be the first fully developed not in the womb of a woman. This made him different. Unique. Sure, he had this SEED mode, which is like super duper evolu—I don't remember what it stands for, he gains a better ability to sync with his Gundam to fight. But, this SEED ability was also found in his best friend AND his sister, who wasn't genetically altered like he was. What made his character MORE important, and to stand out more, than say his best friend Athrun, who also was altered, also strived for peace, and really in the end peacefully stopped the war? This is a question I do not know the answer to. But let me back up a bit.

In this story there was the fighting between coordinators, genetically altered beings whom technically have more physical prowess than their Natural, or regular human counter parts. These two sides fight for their beliefs, and eventually the watcher is made to believe that only Kira and his companions are right in choosing the neutral but ENDING the war peacefully position. In real life this does not exist. You may spout these words of wisdom, that hate leads to killing that guy where his brother will come kill you in that the hate your sibling feels avenges you and so on, but it isn't something that can be stopped. Kira states somewhere that people don't have to fight. This ideal logy for a story that DIDN'T END MIRACULOUSLY is unrealistic. No bright light or Gundam talking to him, telling him what to do. No super coordinator ability that set him apart from even his regular genetic counterparts. No. just. They blow up the nuclear weapon by blowing up the Gundam that's powered by nuclear energy. Really.

So one has to ask, why was Kira there. Basically, he was there to provide character drama between Flay Allister, a neutral citizen whose father dies because Kira couldn't save him, Cagalli Altha, his sister who is the daughter of the lord of the neutral nation WHOSE FATHER DIED, and Lacus Clyne, the daughter of the former coordinator lord of the ZAFT federation (again. Coordinator land). I Stated this to Cheeto, but the watcher is made to feel certain ways about the character while one moves forth in the series. Contact is made, a lot. In Naruto, Shippers jump for joy when our pair HUGS. In this, I'm so damn confused why everyone is hugging and crying and AUGH. Flay, his "first" girlfriend, originally wanted to manipulate him as she HATED coordinators and blamed him for her fathers death. You're made to HATE her. You don't think Kira deserves this. And so we turn to Cagalli, who comes in about 15 episodes in, and becomes "friends" with Kira. In between that, he met Lacus for a brief time, nothing too important for now. As a person who HATES Flay who do you think I want to vouch for? Of course his sister. Well, before we knew she was his sister. So he cries. A lot. And cries in like everyones laps. A lot. And I leave it there because Kira seems to figure out her plan and dumps her. Then um, Kira dies.

No not really. He dies and ends up IN THE COORDINATOR DWELLINGS. *points to earth* where they were *space* where he ended up. I wont say a word. Cagalli meets his best friend Athrun on occasion, and considers him a "friend." Thinking hes the only one she has left, she hands him this pendant thing cough plot device whatever. Essentially this is where I'm lost. IF Kira was alive, would she have been less on "Friend" terms with Athrun? (Athrun was on the other side btw. Bad guy. But not really.) Kira ends up in the cCyne faction. Yes. Lacus Clyne. You see, Lacus is Athruns fiancé. But Lacus is "fond of that boy [Kira]". Lacus is weird. For a pink haired wonder she's the most capable of the three girls in the series, yet she's not my favorite. Normally I'm all over the "strong girl", but Cagalli fits it in that she doesn't have super coordinator abilities, and she's bullheaded and tries her hardest even when she doesn't have the strength, Whereas Lacus does have friends in high places, and this gives her an advantage. So Cagalli is deemed more admirable to me. Anyway since the damn anime people decided to let flay have as many talks to herself, the watcher is at a loss of how these four main characters actually feel about one another. Athrun seems mad when he learns that Lacus defected the coordinator land ZAFT for her own faction that spouts peace, we know this, but then we wonder if Athrun was a bit jealous that Kira had some sort of relationship with his fiancé, even if it was arranged marriage. Athrun as a military solider doesn't show much love toward Lacus, though even she doesn't show too much when they were both "together." So I could see how they weren't too mad when they ended up with other people.

Kira confuses me just as much. It seemed like he liked cagalli, and the same went for her (twice he asked her "you're a girl?!" every time she wore dress clothes where she would blush and go "OF COURSE STUPID" and then "oh I was just making sure ;] " ) so you can see I'm confused on did he really like her. She comforted him when he screwed up, and in turn he comforted her when her dad died, and bitchslapping back and forth you know XD It was fun. What I think happened was that star wars moment, the OMG your dating your sister dude, and the animators go OH CRAP. Basically, Cagalli is handed a photo of her real mother before her adopted father dies, where he tells her "its going to be ok. Your going to be with your brother", and she turns the photo to find both her name and Kiras written on the back of it. She doesn't know how to react to this, but the watcher for some damn reason isn't told why. Does she wonder what this means about their real parents? Having one coordinator son and one natural human daughter is quite mysterious. OR. Does she wonder how this affects them as "friends". Or whatever you want to call them. This plot. Is thrown.out.thewindow. and it makes me sad. Due to this being the revelation at like episode 38, they have to solve the war by 50 and it leaves this complex triangle or square or whatever + flay in limbo. Basically they go "oh well lacus likes Kira, and Athrun WE THINK likes Cagalli so its ok." But its not ok, Wheres the drama, what happened here? Nope, because the things they were neglecting before, the battles, now come nonstop.

TO ADD ONTO THIS. Kira near the end learns of his fully genetic body, y'know the whole womb was a machine thing…..but why? It didn't progress the issue of he and Cagallis parents any more than what we knew on the back of that damn photo, and wasted precious time throwing that in. then finding out that Rau la Cruset, sp fail thank you, the man piloting the main rival ship against the ship they were on the whole time, is the first genetic clone of the father of one of the (not) main character, but an important secondary character. Why was this important? Because of this motto. Gundam Seed characters are all dynamic…ally fucked up. Mr clone is crazy. Remind you of mewtwo? Hell yes. He wants to take the whole universe with him as hes defective and ages rapidly to the point of deterioration. But how to do that? Why, let both sides know that the other side has nuclear weapons they're not afraid of using. Pfft whose gonna tell them that.?

Flay does.


Hah thought I forgot about her? Nope. In the latter half of the series, after Kira dumps her, she's sent to another ship But ends up being taken captive by this Rau la Cruset clone man thing. She ends up on a ship full of those she thought were scum, that's right, the genetically altered coordinator's ship. And she realizes how SCREWED UP she thought. How they're like people, how much Rau is like her father (many times she flashbacked saying that they were very alike despite one being a coordinator and another being a human natural). In all shes stuck on a ship thinking that kiras dead and cant apologize to him. For 20 some odd episodes. Suddenly, her mouth is reduced to wherever her eyes wander on that ship. The watcher must infer how shes feeling, and I think this Is the only time that the silent use of emotion WORKED, for I don't believe the other mini plots like the sister/brother thing and the love square worked. Rau, remember she sort of sees him as a father figure, tells her the only way to end this war quickly is to have this key, one she would deliver to the earth alliance/natural humans through "captive release". The key, being a data disc, is retrieved by someone WHO MIGHT BE WORSE THAN FLAY WAS. Leader of the blue cosmos, a faction wanting the annihilation to all abominations known as coordinators, learns that several Gundam suits have Neuron Jammer cancellers. thanks to the actual series not giving a very good understanding of this, i had to look this up several times. A Neuron jammer was used on earth as a means to disable neuron effects on both sides, aka, no nuclear attacks. However the same people who made it, the coordinators, decide to make their best Gundam models with cancellers, that allow the Gundams not to be charged by battery power, but, you guessed it, nuclear energy. The earth, and namely mr Azreal of blue cosmos who advocated a nuclear war from the start, sends this information to headquarters and begins the nuclear war with ZAFT.

Still with me?

Flay here aboard this earth ship, along with a former Captian of their older ship that her companions were on, were forced to comply with this nuclear attack against zaft. But zaft made Gundams with these cancellers. Did you think they wouldn't have something else in mind for this power? Of course. This thing called genesis. And its so powerful, it could start spouting LOVELESS and no one could stop it. No my friends it was this giant machine, capable of using the nuclear power and converging it off a mirror and centralized into one all powerful beam. How powerful? Eradicate the world powerful. Unknowingly, Flay did something stupid. Again. But this wasn't her fault this time. So our peace people fight and stop the natural humans nukes, but are not so powerful when they stand next to that all powerful beam. Blue cosmos Azreal, about as crazy as any man can be, goes on a rampage attempting to destroy everything even though they know they've lost. He turns a gun on the captian, stating that her questioning his every move was becoming annoying and she should shut up so that he can make sure every single coordinator is dead. This, finally triggers to flay what she needed to realize all along. She really did like Kira, a coordinator, who was just like her in every way despite some enhancements in some fields. That if this man did what he did, Kira would be dead (oops skipped a part, when she was a released captive she learned he was alive.). and she tries to warn the enemy ships of Azreals nasty nuke evil—er I cant describe it. Shit happens, the captian ends up taking the ship down with her and azreal and flay and the other crewmen were told to abandon their ship and allegiance to earth and quickly join the peace/neutral ships. Kira, fighting la Cruset due to knowing what he'd done, goes seed mode and fights and fights. But he's not paying attention (…hes got to stop this.) and realizes that the ship flay was on had made it out A-ok. Then la Cruset decides to shoot that ship. Kira saves it. but once again he cannot always protect everything he wants, and the second shot catches him off guard. And flay. Dies.

Now I really didn't want this to happen, death is not a pretty site In anything. No. but heres what goes down. Kira breaks down…like usual, and has that MIRACULOUS MOMENT I was talking about. Yknow the one where we could all pretend we're not in our cockpit of our Gundam and we're really talking to flay. And somehow all dying people are naked? Yeah that's GREAT. She apologizes like she wanted to all along, and he claims it to be his fault for not protecting her. For once in the whole godamn show, I'm happy. Happy she came to a decision that allowed her to think about the ones she cared for, not for their affiliations, or their mistakes they couldn't fix. That she would protect him in the only way she could. Yes. Heart. Duh. Shes dead. Im smiling as I write this right now. And its funny. The first half I wanted her dead….metaphorically, and now its like she's dead and I'm not happy :\ Because even though Kira ends up with Lacus in the end, Kira did like flay, and she did as well. And sadly that was the only real apparent pair. How did that happen.

Safe to say Kira kills la Cruset, Cagalli and Athrun use Athruns Gundam to self destruct inside this genesis weapon, and the two alliances make their pact. Overall, its now easy to see that the most interesting parts of the character side happened within the first 25 episodes, where all that development went to crap and decided to cop out. I dunno. Maybe its because the opening and endings made it so easy for you to think things would happen more? They would change some of the opening in accordance to things going on, so you'd think the times they showed AthrunXCagalli and LacusXKira in the Ops and Eds you'd think we'd GET to see some of that. Jeesus cagallis in her dress stuff twice in the series and like every opening she was wearing it I'm like where the hell does this come in Athrun doesn't even see her in that dress.

Damn them misleading openings.

This took me an hour and a half to write. Wtf.

edit: I messed Cagallis last name up. its atha not altha. but im not gonna go and fix it.