
Sunday, June 28, 2009


And that's a sample of what my aim statuses have looked like at late hours of the night. Or most hours o___o

(flashback) BACK IN THE DAY. 2004 or 05 believe, I would spend a good portion of my Saturday playing in soccer games. At night, I would be granted the luxury of watching anime, fma, inuyasha, rave master, zatch bell, the works. But ONLY ONE brings up true bad memories. I would spend most Sunday morning at church just THINKING about my anger/hatred/love for this show. Now, I've decided to try watching this one again, in hopes that I was naïve and let myself get ahead..of myself. This would be the show Gundam Seed.

The original reason I remember for stopping watching gundam seed seems silly but at the same time I guess I was mortified. 'OMG THE BROTHERS BEEN DATING HIS TWIN SISTER!?LDGFLKJFS;GRDFJD;LKJF;L;L *turns off*' at a later age, I realize star wars did this. >.> why I got so worked up is beyond me. But after watching the first 20 eps over, I realized why I think I was so mad. I don't think ive ever been mad at a fictional character before. Her name? FLAY ALLISTER. This red haired BITCH (no not Karin ian XD ) goes insane after her father gets killed and believes that kira, the main character, didn't try his best in the gundam to protect her fathers ship. So she proceeds to TORTURE him mentally, telling him its all ok because he will ALWAYS protect the ship (and later using his slight infatuation for her and manipulating it so that she would fuck up his social ring of friends; as she was already engaged to another one of kiras friends sai) and (I quote from her thoughts) "your gonna fight and fight and fight until you die.) He ends up being extremely guilty, thinks only he can protect the ship theyre on, and eventually becomes more violent as a gundam pilot (when before he was like OMG I CANT KILL SUM1ONEE).

That arc later leads to the cagalli arc, his sister, he ends up like being good "friends" with and has less of an infatuation with flay. But I still don't know why I stopped watching it >.> it just doesn't really seem to justify why, normally I try to watch things all the way to the end, believe me, when they moved .hack/// legend of the twilight bracelet to the damn 5:30 AM slot….luke and I were up @ 5:30 every Sunday morning….


Secondarily, in terms of stuff ive been doing OTHER than gundam seed XD here they are!

Drawing? I've started a series called Pea Pod.


NO NOT HIM XDD god google, I was looking up FF7 NOT JUST ZACK!

Yes im playing FF7…well I have for one day we'll see if It continues, really gundam has my attention tho.

And I'd like to say NEXT WEEK IS MY BIIIRRRTHHHHDDAAAAAAYYYYYYY XD. Mom thought it was funny because I came up to her and im like "can I have a luke moment?" "be annoying as hell?" "XD that's his whole personality mom but yes. Psst. My b-days next weeeek" "lol ok. " ALL I WANT IS LOVE OOO: just kidding you don't bring a present you don't come XDD JKKjgflkjlkgdf

Malymar pretty much already has given me good gifts (ff7 bumping off her account and a skymin~) and all ashly has to do is like just sit there while I play rock band and whine about the plastic wooden guitar bein in her face and im happy XDD geh 17!? Remember when I was giddy about being 14? And 15? And 16? XD im giddy every year. Cept…for 14 I got a tablet…16 I got a tablet… theres a pattern here im NOT GETTING CRAP THIS YEAR DDD: XD anyways. Btw this has got to be the most posts ive ever had in one month. Three?! XD

See yas~


Mal said...

You know, he does look like Sasuke at that angle xDD

Kayton And Pitkari said...

his boyish look is WAY BETTER than his 'god angeals dead ugh angst for a bit' hair. it wasnt angst it was SINCERE LOVE FOR A FATHER. that made his bangs all pointy... XD