
Monday, June 8, 2009

This a misprint?

Hwah? Wat the hell is this TWO POSTS BACK TO BACK!!?@>ERTG

Yes my friends, my poor blog doesn't see enough [door to] light in its [nobody-esque] life. So I will begin by saying I went to college today. Yay. Now that's over with, its time for


I love thinking. But more likely than not, I only think to myself. So when I get a good topic in my head, I'd love to share it. Talk it, blog it, something it. And here I are. This might be frequent as I think a lot and I ask quite interesting questions to myself so lets IKUZE!

Todays Question: Do you believe that we all have some sort of talent, and furthermore, is it or isn't it wasted due to the surroundings one is put other.

Don't understand? Here's my example. A young boy wants to be a singer but his parents will have nothing less than a business major. In turn, he of course becomes the business major his parents wanted him to become, he would never let them down, and more importantly he's quite good at it. But the real question is, was he supposed to be the singer he always wanted to be? A very big example I just thought of, is the obvious Kerr way, a talented school in which parents of many Asians say you have "no say in what you do you be pharmacist. Hey? You making fun of us? Why of course I am. All in good humor though. Either way, something like a theatre "talent" or art "talent" is all but wasted.

But you have to ask, what would have happened If the tides had turned a bit? What if you were given the freedom to do your talent, your parents say go! Off to (insert the name of the college troy from high school musical 3 here) Julliard with you! And so you go….. But on the way you meet new "friends." They've got meth, and even though your parents say its bad, you say well I haven't tried that before. And then, you might not be the prized major and talent you dreamed and wished you'd become. Could this happen with everything you do? Most certainly. So its to ask the question, did god (or whomever) put people on this earth to fail?

Does every single person have a talent or something that makes them stand out, but sometimes it gets lost in translation? Or were people destined for the "talent" of being a loser. No offence to losers. :\ I MEAN PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T GET THEIR DREAMS TO COME TRUE.

I think that we do all have a god-given talent. But, like the contents of a book, the most important life changing aspects never come first, or even in the middle. WE might have talent (immaturely) when we're younger, but its whether or not we harness is that its true talent. That's why, for me at least, I try to take pride in everything I draw, draw all the time and harness what I want to do. That I spend time watching a video game market, the ever changing market and what will hit when I'm in that market. Not exactly talent per say? Hobbies, talents, either way, I love to read debates, study the aspects of the three new motion controllers set into hah, motion by this gaming era and analyze how they can be used to keep original gamers at bay.

But. I am told many times that I might have speaking talent. In the way I rant I can keep those entertain AND entertain my points. But, I haven't done theatre, and haven't done speech and debate. So am I wasting the talent? Maybe. But we cant be great at everything, so. Another question might be, if you believe someone or yourself has more than one talent, how do you pick which to follow upon? If I had done speech and debate rather than attend art classes, would that make me a lesser artist? Looking back, I've learned nothing in art class but how to waste time. I learn things photoshopwise by myself and teach others. So no, I think I might've still been able to take on two (and my mom says if I wanted to I could do speech in college, prolly not though.) But which would I pick? That, I'll never know. Because I'm no longer on that path, I will NEVER know what it feels like to have been in kerr speech and debate. Oh well. Instead I'm the best marker artist I know, and I can make people happy by helping them achieve their goals in using photoshop. And for me, talent mixed with happiness leads to true perfection.

But back on target. I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU. YOU my freaken readers all 5 of you or so! Hit comment! You don't have to have a stupid sign in name, just type in "AKARISAMAAA" and then lemme hear what you have to say. I'll restate them once again. Do you believe that we all have some sort of talent that might be wasted due to our surroundings? AND, If you believe someone or yourself has more than one talent, how do you pick which to follow upon? AND LASTLY because I am not like a lot of you, if you aren't given the chance to harness the talents you want to due to parents, how or what will might or might not do to get around them and achieve your goals.





Today I went through an old photo scrapbook I found today of a quick review of how I looked from grade school to now. GAWD have I changed a lot. Not only how I look, but my perpective on life.
I noticed, I smiled a lot more from 2006 to 2009 (now). It's because something happened that made me an optimist.
I've been told by my friends, you, and even the most hated math teacher in my school that my positive and enthusiastic take on life is admirable. But I remember being told I that I was lazy and couldn't take a joke ALL, in grade school. So something changed me to obliterate old habits and turn towards open possibility and opportunity.
I believe, that you are certainly given a talent at birth. However I don't believe you're fated to have that be your only ability. I can't counthow many times since grade school that I was told that I drew better than most peers. However, I have only taken an art class once and it was on a whim, not my persistance, although I still do enjoy it and draw all the time, i don't plan to take it into a career.
I was first chair for the past 5 years in flute and quit this past year. I don't regret it. People said it was my talent and was a gift but I didn't feel the ambition in it.
I dont regret it though, I believe you can develop skills on whatever you want if you believe in yourself.If you have multiple talents the only person who can decipher what to do is you. Something you hate at first can become something you love, but it depends on your attitude on it. I think people need to be more open to possibilities. How do you know you like broccoli until you try it? Just cuz it looks and feels weird, maybe there's another approach.(WEIRD metaphor I know but I used to hate it until I tasted it steamed holy crap I shove that stuff down my throat its so yummy)
As for parental issues, at first actually when I was in grade school, I wanted to be an artist of some kind when I grew up, and of course my parents said a big NO. However, I don't mind, instead of returning a negative feeling against the rejection I said to myself, well maybe there's something else I can do, that's not the only path I can take. I'm sure I'm can do something else that would make mommy happy and me happy. Optimism and the way you view a situation can really change perspective.
Happiness can only be defined by the person. I'm happy with pushing aside my artistic side, not disappointed,I believe in myself, that I can do more things than I expect myself to.

Mal said...

I'm glad you changed your clones to tangerines. I really am XD

And um...


And I find it really scary that this was posted on the.. *scrolls up* yesterday. Yesterday I wasn't online, because I killed my dialup. Yesterday was also the day I got in a huge argument with Jenova about MY DESTINY.

... Of which I'm still discovering every day. Perhaps if my life is miserable two years from now and I've truly discovered my destiny, then it's back to school...

Which sounds hard.. and scary.. ;_;

I think you had ME in mind for this entire postage, yes you did.

(and unfortunately I can't bring myself to type out a monologue-tastic novel at the moment. Maybe next time.)

Mal said...

And now I feel like an ass. Excuse me while I go play with youtube on the ps3.

Maybe coffee is an order for the day.

Cheeto said...

well i finally rmred my login LOL xD

but yeah..a talent? i guess we all do, but it all depends on our preference. it's not exactly wasted to me though, because sometime in life, you may need to use that "Talent" of yours. who knows? i'm letting time decide. making a choice too soon may screw you up. who knows. it's jus me. x]

i commented. =]