
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Welp im trying something here

on the new laptop. mineee~
well im not so into that of Vista but i do like the little sidebar thingy.
Im trying out the blogger gadget as we speak, so we'll see how that goes.
anyway. Happy Turkey Day.


Mal said...

...................... Blehhhhhh I'm in a crisis T-T We need to find some way to take over the web again. *points to update*

Mal said...

Ok so I changed my mind about xanga, because I forgot how crappy it was (and they got even crappier since we left.. they have adds on your pages now unless you go premium, or whatever).

I was going to suggest, since you're now using the awesome firefox, to get this add on:
It's called ColorfulTabs. It's the only one I use right now because too many add-ons aren't really a good thing, and I'd say more but I can't even think right now.