
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Return to the land of dreams

And water and wings.

This is one of my favorite pictures from the OVAs :]

This week, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles ended its 232 chapter run with an epilogue. After almost four years of reading and watching it, I figured it needed a reflection of sorts to calm my own brain.

We can remember, even when I was on xanga I crazily freaked as a calm ian "wtf"ed at me and mal "lolled" my antics. To excerpt from a post November 2007:

"i HATE rsyaoran in the fact that he absolutely contradicted himself, and again todays chapter. When we learn that Syaoran is actually the clone, rsyaoran tells him that even if he was a clone he could still have a heart and make his own decisions, aka live his own life and that he would not be a puppet to fei wong. And here we are, 40 chapters later and rsyaoran is dealing with NOT his own business."

I obsess when I watch series, I think you can understand and get the best out of them when you do, but that is my own thing. We've had a lot of ups and downs, syaoran being a clone..clone sakura dying…clone syaoran dying, adult clone syaoran (~) and to the end where real syaoran will continue his journey to help the clone and his alternate self Watanuki escape from his own heart. The story, I believe, is not done. Hinted in the epilogue, syaoran might appear at the shop in xxxholic, so I'll keep my eyes peeled. I feel like this is one of my favorite series', I don't have a lot of them but when I do, they strike me vividly. I mean, all the nonsense about clones? They aren't real, and yet they could invoke hatred against the real thing despite the clone not being the original. AND THE EYE. Personally, Tokyo revelations was my favorite arc, nothing makes you go from sad to angry to shocked to upset and then hopeful all in around 30 minutes ALL FROM THE SAME CHARACTER. (clone syaoran blue eye blood stained cheek ftw. You heard nothing.) Many don't agree with me, stating that CLAMP has had much better ones. But when I hear that half of the protagonists are 12 crushing on their teachers or Worse, im pretty satisfied with CLAMP.

I feel that they really lost themselves in the middle and towards the end however. In the beginning, it was stressed that syaoran would have to make a new bond with sakura, both clones at the moment in time, and as it went by, that part of life was lost in a flurry to keep up with which sakura was who and what syaoran liked what. The feathers, even at the end, seemed lost. Fei wong always wanted to use sakuras body for to cross dimensions, to give yuuko a body? So in terms of storyline, I think most English teachers (and not real professors) would proclaim that it didn't make sense and was filled with plotholes.

So why was it so good? Tis strange. I guess the wtfuckery factor it brings to the table that really got me, week to week I couldn't help myself by being like YES SCREW YOU RSYAORAN, or OMG WTF HAPPENED *wikis*, or THAT WAS IT?!1?!?!?!?! (last ch before epilogue )

I think. It was the characters. For someone not exactly rolling in cardcaptor sakura history, I managed to love both syaoran and sakura as if I had known of their relationship before. Fai and Kurogane as well, though not as prominent as time went on, really were some fun, but crazy characters. Fai has his own little fan club in the back of my brain, and kuro has awesome written on a sticky note dwelling in my head too. Adult syaoran was – err nevermind. I'm happy to have started something, read it in full each week and experienced it, and then got to feel fuller by watching it. It was one of the first, in fact, like that, with only maybe one or two I started without knowing plot or characters, or, like naruto, jumping around.

So I leave this post with this. "Stagnant time is the same as death." Go forward, and don't waste your life away. Don't stand still, or you'll be left behind. *holds up sword* AND REMEMBER YOUR SOLIDER HONOR DAMMIT!


1 comment:

Mal said...


No, I'm glad you're back... I was getting worried the title of your last post had some meaning - takin to the sky, never comin back. I feel as if I've lead us down a horrible dark path.. away from comforting Xanga and into the cold bitterness of Blogger..

Ok just ignore all that, I have no idea what that was about =P

I need some halp D=